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The Department has published legislation that introduces the new Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Subclass 491. From 16 November, this visa will substitute the current Skilled Regional (Provisional) Subclass 489.

The lists of occupations eligible for the new subclass 491 are the same as those which were available under the current subclass 489 visa.

The Department has also announced the list of occupations eligible for the new Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) Subclass 494 visa. There is a total of 650 occupations available for this new visa.

The subclass 494 will substitute the current Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Subclass 187 visa from 16 November 2019.

Access the legislative instrument (LIN 19/219) that contains the list of occupations for subclass 494.

Some occupations that were eligible for the purposes of an application for Subclass 187 are now NOT available under the new Subclass 494 visa. These occupations include:

111212 Defence Force Senior Officer
111311 Local Government Legislator
111312 Member of Parliament
111399 Legislators nec
139111 Commissioned Defence Force Officer
139112 Commissioned Fire Officer
139113 Commissioned Police Officer
139211 Senior Non-commissioned Defence Force Member
224411 Intelligence Officer
231112 Air Traffic Controller
271211 Judge
271212 Magistrate
271213 Tribunal Member
411714 Parole or Probation Officer
441111 Defence Force Member – Other Ranks
441212 Fire Fighter
441311 Detective
441312 Police Officer
241112 Kaiako Kohanga Reo (Maori Language Nest Teacher)
241211 Kaiako Kura Kaupapa Maori (Maori-medium Primary School Teacher)
241212 Pouako Kura Kaupapa Maori (Maori-medium Primary School Senior Teacher)
411512 Kaiawhina (Hauora) (Maori Health Assistant)
252215 Traditional Maori Health Practitioner

The Department has also announced that the pool and pass mark for visa Subclass 189, Subclass 190 and Subclass 491 remains at 65 points.

General Requirements Visa Subclass 491 & Visa Subclass 494

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